Monday, June 20, 2011

Speak Up for a Future With Wolves

Speak Up for a Future With Wolves

The Mayan Calendar Portal |

The Mayan Calendar Portal |

Sunday, June 19, 2011

~A Simple Thing~...

‎~It is a simple thing to tear down or take apart a thing, a nation {or a People...}The challenge is to support, maintain and build up...
*Putting back together* is much harder, but well worth the effort.~

(C) 03172007 Rev.Dr. Richard Scott Ruth DM DD Ed.D

-aka-    ~Gwyddon Crow Thornapple~

~Sacred Earth Sanctuary{ULC}~

Saturday, June 18, 2011

~Brilliant!~ *Surrealism*

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

YouTube - Joan Baez "We Shall Overcome" (2009)

YouTube - Joan Baez "We Shall Overcome" (2009)

WebMD Drugs & Medications – Medical information on prescription drugs, vitamins and over-the-counter medicines

WebMD Drugs & Medications – Medical information on prescription drugs, vitamins and over-the-counter medicines

Teen Girls' Health Center: Information on Teen Wellness, Nutrition, and Social Issues from WebMD

Teen Girls' Health Center: Information on Teen Wellness, Nutrition, and Social Issues from WebMD

Why “Female” Skills Are Worth More

Why “Female” Skills Are Worth More

Morning Grogginess Worse Than No Sleep

Morning Grogginess Worse Than No Sleep

YouTube - Roger Waters "We Shall Overcome" song for "End the blockade in Gaza"

YouTube - Roger Waters "We Shall Overcome" song for "End the blockade in Gaza"

YouTube - Joan Baez - We shall overcome

YouTube - Joan Baez - We shall overcome

WE-THE-PEOPLE!: YouTube - "We Shall Overcome" - Martin Luther King, Jr.

WE-THE-PEOPLE!: YouTube - "We Shall Overcome" - Martin Luther King, Jr.

YouTube - Joan Baez - Where have All The Flowers Gone

YouTube - Joan Baez - Where have All The Flowers Gone

YouTube - Where Have all the flowers gone - Peter Seeger - Palau Sant Jordi 1993

YouTube - Where Have all the flowers gone - Peter Seeger - Palau Sant Jordi 1993

Film Shows Slam Poets Are 'Louder Than A Bomb' : NPR

Film Shows Slam Poets Are 'Louder Than A Bomb' : NPR

The Fresh Air Interview: Poet Robert Hass, On Whitman's 'Song Of Myself' : NPR

The Fresh Air Interview: Poet Robert Hass, On Whitman's 'Song Of Myself' : NPR

'Crossing State Lines': 54 Writers, One American Poem : NPR

'Crossing State Lines': 54 Writers, One American Poem : NPR

Art In 'America' Records The National Experience : NPR

Art In 'America' Records The National Experience : NPR

We ***ARE*** On ~TWITTER~ As: Rose_Antler_Edu ~{Suggested Accounts To Follow~along with ours~}}

Monday, May 30, 2011

~*TODAY*~{Monday May 30th 2011}~"With Gratitude & Kindness, I REMEMBER..."~

~*TODAY*~{Monday May 30th 2011}~"With Gratitude & Kindness, I REMEMBER..."~

by Gwyddion Crow Thornapple on Monday, May 30, 2011 at 10:36pm
"With gratitude and kindness I remember all who have served."
~"Today I remember with gratitude the men and women who have died in military service.*** {'in/from All nations and lands throughout history.'}*** I pray for all who have lost a loved one. I pray for the saftey of those serving today.
I may shed tears when I think of those who are no longer whit us. I feel tenderness for; families, sposes, children and communities who mourn their lost heros. Today, I share a kind word, give a loving embrace, or say an extra prayer of peace and serinity.
With and open heart, I remember that we are ALL One In Spirit. As my heart opens wider, I feel my connection to others expand and grow. I am forever connectrd to those who came before me and those who will follow, and I AM Grateful"~
Quoted " " from: " DAILYWORD" {MAY/JUNE 2011} Published by: UNITY <>
paraphrased by: Gwyddion Crow Thornapple

Nature's Secret: Why Honey Bees Are Better Politicians Than Humans : Krulwich Wonders… : NPR

Nature's Secret: Why Honey Bees Are Better Politicians Than Humans : Krulwich Wonders… : NPR

Sunday, May 29, 2011

We are THE *First~&~Only* "Free" ~Universalist/Pantheastic~International University {*& Seminary}~ Offering *Legally Recognized*: .~Workshops/Certificates/Diplomas/BFA/MFA/Phd/Ed.D/JD/ Degrees, In ~*Metaphysics,Comparative Religion,Divinity,Education,Law,*Witchcraft~*+*~ ~Our Classes{*Lectures*}: Are Offered In; *French,Spanish,English,Russian*,{*&As Time Allows*}German,Estonia,Hindi,Urdu~{*&,Others*}~ ~*{We Accept ALL Qualified *Sincere/Dedicated* {Literate} Students *Regardless Of Their Ability To Pay}*~ <> ~Rose & Antler International University & Thealogical Seminary~TM Is A Registered Trademark Of ~Sacred Earth Sanctuary~{ULC/LLC}~&~Rev.Dr.Richard Scott Ruth~{aka}~ Gwyddion Crow Thornapple~